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Top 10 Things to Know About Life

We all recognize the importance of life insurance. After all, we want to make sure that our loved ones are taken care of when we die. But before you run out and purchase a policy, do some research ahead of time. That way, you'll be sure to get the best possible coverage at the right price. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

1. Shop around
2. Never buy more coverage than you need
3. The healthier you are, the better the rates
4. Buy sooner rather than later
5. Realize the importance of periodically reviewing your coverage
6. You don't necessarily have to pay a commission
7. You may be paying more for monthly premium payments
8. Don't rely solely on the life insurance offered by your employer
9. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth
10. Buying more is sometimes cheaper

Shop around
When it comes to life insurance, it pays to shop around because premiums can vary widely. And thanks to the Internet, it's now easier than ever. Try out one of the many insurance websites that can provide you with instant quotes. Make sure the website you shop from takes into consideration the factors in your medical history that can affect the premiums.

Never buy more coverage than you need
The key to purchasing the right amount of life insurance is to have just enough coverage to meet your needs. If you have more life insurance than you need, you'll be paying unnecessarily for higher premiums. On the other hand, it's important not to have too little coverage, resulting in you being underinsured.

The healthier you are, the better the rates
It's true – healthy people get better rates on life insurance. You will be asked to pay a higher rate for anything that shortens your life expectancy (e.g., if you smoke, take medications regularly, are overweight, have a bad driving record).

Buy sooner rather than later
If you've been putting off purchasing life insurance because you don't want to pay the premiums, you may be doing yourself a disservice in the long run. The younger you are when you purchase life insurance, the lower your premiums will be.

Realize the importance of periodically reviewing your coverage
Any life change signals the need for a review of your overall financial plan. When it comes to life insurance coverage, you'll want to make sure that this major life event (e.g., birth of a child, children are grown) won't leave you underinsured or overinsured.

You don't necessarily have to pay a commission
One of the reasons for higher premiums is that most life insurance policies pay commissions to the agent/broker. However, you may be able to purchase a no-load policy through an insurer that sells no-load policies directly to consumers.

You may be paying more for monthly premium payments
You may not realize it, but you may be paying more for your life insurance if you pay your premium in monthly installments. Many insurance companies charge extra fees if you make monthly premium payments instead of paying the annual premium.

Don't rely solely on the life insurance offered by your employer
Many employers offer their employees some sort of group life insurance. But this amount of coverage is usually not enough to adequately meet your life insurance needs. In addition, group life insurance policies are not portable, meaning that if you leave your job, you can't take your life insurance coverage with you.

Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth
If you're thinking about lying on your insurance application, think again. If your insurance company finds out that you lied about a health-related condition or your lifestyle (e.g., smoking habit), they may be able to terminate your coverage.

Buying more is sometimes cheaper
Life insurance usually costs less per thousand dollars once you get into higher coverage amounts (e.g., $250,000). If the numbers work out, you may be able to pay a lower premium while increasing your coverage.


If you think pet medicine is just a vaccination or a simple ringworm treatment now and then, well then you'd better think twice. Now days, veterinarians can and will do almost anything that your family doctor can do. There are even veterinary ophthalmologists, oncologists, dentists, and yes, even dieticians. But you will soon find out that veterinary medicine can be and is just like human medicine.

If you're like most people, your dog, cat or any other loved pet, is a loyal, beloved member of your family. If your pet happens to get injured, your pet may require surgery to survive. Not only is this tragic on your family, but this injury could run anywhere between $2000-$2500. Now a day a typical normal family just simply can't afford that big of expense, due able and even expected payable at up front.
Now if this were to happen to your pet, this would leave you with a heart-wrenching decision to make. During this time it may seem harsh to think about pinching pennies when your pet's life may be at stake. A hard choice that many pet owners always have to go make.

If you own a pet and that pet has a life-threatening medical problem, you really only will have three choices; 1) Pay the high cost of vet bills out of pocket 2.) Euthanize or 3.) Purchase pet insurance. By checking into an Animal Health Insurance policy for your pet may save your pets life.

Animal Health Insurance for your pet could be the solution for you. Research shows that there is some form of pet insurance, which covers less than 1% of all United States pets. However, more and more Americans are taking out pet insurance on their animals. The reason is simply the costs.



Are you looking for lower priced car insurance in Philadelphia area? Perhaps you just want an auto insurance quote that you can compare on online. The online Philadelphia car insurance companies can and will give you quotes. This will help you to select affordable auto insurance in Philadelphia area and with competitive rates.

In order to legally operate an automobile in Pennsylvania, you have to first demonstrate that you meet all of the states minimum insurance requirements. You may also want to go beyond this and to also carry additional coverage. No matter what types of coverage you are looking for, you may be able to find affordable rates. The key to this find is simply knowing where to look.

Ok, now we know have learned that you have to carry liability insurance. There is simply no away of getting around this. This is not an option, but a state requirement. In Pennsylvania, this means that you must carry a minimum of $15,000/$30,000 for bodily injury. This covers the other party or parties. You must also have included in your policy at least $5,000 coverage in the event of any property damage. Pennsylvania has enacted "no-fault" laws, which mean it requires your car insurance company in Philadelphia to pay for your medical bills even if the accident is your fault.